Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Drawbacks of Home Workouts

I hate (HATE) having my family around when I workout. I can't stand feeling like they are watching me. I can workout like a fiend in public (at the gym, in the park, even in line at Wal-Mart) but can't stand having my husband and kids watching while I'm working out in the living room. Maybe it is because I expect them to stop me so that I can do something for them or maybe it is because I feel like I keep them from using the room/tv/etc. but it drives me nuts. I hate days when I don't get to go to the gym because I have to workout with them around or skip my workouts. 9 times out of 10, I'll skip it. Sad, huh? I try to wait until they are all gone somewhere (like in a few minutes I'll have the house to myself while the kids are at church and DH is at work) or they are all in bed, but it just doesn't seem to workout most of the time for me to get my daily workout in. I guess the drawback of teenagers is that they go to bed later then I want to stay up and workout. LOL